(1e) monteur steigerbouw, versie januari 2017
A Better World through applications of CEEE
A Practical Introduction to Mixed Methods for Business and Management
A Practical Introduction to Mixed Methods for Business and Management
Agile Design Best Practices
Agile Service Management with Scrum
AI-gebaseerde contractanalyse
Allround pedicuren/medich pedicuren
Analysing Quantitative Data for Business and Management Students
Analysing Quantitative Survey Data for Business and Management Students
Analysing Quantitative Survey Data for Business and Management Students
Artificial Intelligence voor Duurzamere en Efficiëntere Logistiek
Basisboek Transportmodaliteiten
Bedrijfsprocessen en logistiek
Bedrijfsprocessen logistiek
Black box van de topverkoper
BOM. Processen in zorgorganisaties
Business and Polity: Dynamics of a Changing Relationship
Business Research: A Guide to Planning, Conducting, and Reporting Your Study
CE markeren van machinerie
Challenging the Injustice of Poverty: Agendas for Inclusive Development in South Asia
Conducting Action Research for Business and Management Students
Conducting Case Study Research for Business and Management Students
Conducting Case Study Research for Business and Management Students
Conducting Necessary Condition Analysis for Business and Management Students
Conducting Research Interviews for Business and Management Students
Contracteren en aanbesteden in de bouw en infrastructuur
Critical Management Research: Reflections from the Field
Critical Management Research: Reflections from the Field
De professional op het witte paard
De professional op het witte paard
Debt and Death in Rural India: The Punjab Story
Debt and Death in Rural India: The Punjab Story
Designing Research Questionnaires for Business and Management Students
DevOps Best Practices Pocket Guide
DevOps ekipleri kendilerini
Distributielogistiek: werken vanuit ketenperspectief
Doing Your Business Research Project
Duurzaam inkopen: nu doen!
Duurzaamheidsrapportage en Informatie
Economic Analysis of Institutiions: A Practical Guide
Economic Liberalisation and Indian Agriculture: A District-Level Study
Empowering Rural Women: Micro-enterprise through Achievement Motivation
eSourcing Capability Model pour les organisations clientes - eSCM-CL
Foreign Aid in South Asia: The Emerging Scenario
Foreign Aid in South Asia: The Emerging Scenario
From Individual to Community: Issues in Development Studies