19th century French patterns | Volume 68    
Arabian Designs    
Art Deco    
Art Deco Tiles    
Art Forms in Nature | Volume 83    
Art Nouveau | Volume 87    
Art Nouveau Tiles    
Audubon's Birds of America    
Audubon's birds of America    
Barcelona Tiles    
Barcelona Tiles    
Baroque | Volume 86    
Basic Packaging    
Bauhaus Style    
Belle Époque | Volume 66    
Chinese Art | Volume 84    
Chinese Designs    
Chinese Patterns    
Decorative patterns from Italy    
Design for Music    
Fancy Packaging    
Fashion Prints    
Floral Patterns    
Floral still life    
Folding Patterns for Display and Publicity    
Free Font Index 2    
Historical Maps    
Images from the Bible    
Indian Designs    
Japanese Paper    
Japanese Patterns    
Kimono Patterns    
Maps | Volume 60    
Money | Volume 61
Op Art    
Patterns & Ornaments of the 19th Century    
Persian Designs    
Playing cards | Volume 65    
Take One    
The agile rabbit book of historical and curious maps    
The Human Figure    
Traditional Dutch Tiles    
Turkish Designs    
Vincent van Gogh