Peter A.J. Attema
Regional Pathways to Complexity
Amsterdam Archaeological Studies
A Biographical Approach to Landscape
A Biographical Approach to Landscape
Amsterdam archaeological studies | Divine interiors
Amsterdam Archaeological Studies | Villa Landscapes in the Roman North
Animals in Ritual and Economy in a Roman Frontier Community
Armed Batavians
Border Communities at the Edge of the Roman Empire
Ceramic Perspectives on Connectivity in the Ancient Mediterranean
Ceramic Perspectives on Connectivity in the Ancient Mediterranean
Cult Places and Cultural Change in Republican Italy
Cult Places and Cultural Change in Republican Italy
Ethnic Constructs in Antiquity
Ethnic Constructs in Antiquity
Ethnic Identity and Imperial Power
How Things Make History
Identity and power
Late iron age gold hoards from the low countries and the caesarian conquest of Northern Gaul
Livestock for Sale
Livestock for sale: animal husbandry in a Roman frontier zone
Local Identities
Regional Pathways to Complexity
Settling in a changing world
Social dynamics in the orthwest frontiers of the late roman empire
The archaeology of south-east Italy in the first millenium BC
The Roman Object Revolution
The roman villa of Hoogeloon and the archaeology of the periphery
Use and Appreciation of Mycenaean Pottery in the Levant, Cyprus and Italy
Amsterdam University Press