
De Politieke Partij Radikalen, 1968-1990    
Een christelijk-liberale synthese    
Nieuwsgierigheid is mijn bedrijf    
Saving the Overlooked Continent    
Tales of transit
Tales of transit    


American Studies

American Multiculturalism after 9/11    
American Multiculturalism after 9/11    
American visions of the Netherlands East Indies/Indonesia    
Atlantis Lost    
Fabricating the absolute fake    
How Dutch Americans stayed Dutch    
Painting and publishing as cultural industries    
Tales of transit
Tales of transit    
The Making of the New Negro    

Jaarboek geschiedenis Nederlands protestantisme na

Christenmigranten in Nederland
Een christelijk-liberale synthese    
Genot en gebod    
Heilige stilte    

KADOC-Studies on Religion, Culture and Society

Cardinal Mercier in the First World War    
Catholicism and the Welfare State in Secular France    
Christian masculinity    
Cold War Mary    
From Hope to Hardship
Gender and christianity in modern Europe
Humble Women, Powerful Nuns    
Life Inside the Cloister    
Life Inside the Cloister    
Loci sacri    
Neo-Thomism in Action    
Rester Catholique en France    
Saving the Overlooked Continent    
Sign or Symptom?    
Territories of Faith    
The Christian Churches and Postwar Society
The Economics of providence / L'economie de la providence    
The economics of providence L'economie de la providence    
The maritain factor    
The Survival of the Jesuits in the Low Countries, 1773-1850    
The Transformation of the Christian Churches in Western Europe (1945-2000) / La transformation des églises chrétiennes en Europe occidentale    
Towards an era of development    
World views and worldly wisdom; Visions et expériences du monde