America's Admirals & Marine Corps Generals 1900-1945
Bulgaria's Military Leaderschip 1900-1945
Flag Officers of the Austro-Hungarian Empire 1867 - 1918
Generals & Admirals of the Spanish Armed Forces 1900 - 1945
Military Commanders of the Baltic States: Esronia, Latvia, Lithuania, 1918-1940
Senior Generals and Admirals of the Austro-Hungarian Army and Navy 1914 - 1918
The Blue Max in World War I
The imperial Japanese navy
The last tsar's warriors Vol I A-O
The last Tsar’ warriors | Volume II: P – Z; Illustrations; Order of battle
The Luftwaffe and its leadership 1935-1945
The Royal Hungarian Armed Forces 1919-1945
The Senior Generals of the U.S. Army & Army Air Forces, 1900 - 1945
Warlords of the German Empire 1914-1918