
My Friend Van Gogh
Starry Night
Studio of the South
The Illustrated Provence Letters of Van Gogh
The Sunflowers are Mine
Van Gogh. Self-Portraits
Van Gogh's Finale



28 Paradises
A Balthus Notebook
Any Day Now: Toward a Black Aesthetic
Chardin and Rembrandt
Degas and His Model
Dix Portraits
Duchamp's Last Day
Hebdomeros: A Novel
Letters to a Very Young Painter
Mad about Painting
My Friend Van Gogh
On Contemporary Art
Paul Gauguin
Photography and Belief
Something Close to Music
Souvenirs: From a Memoir
That Still Moment: Poetry and Essays on Dance
The Cathedral is Dying
The Critic as Artist
The Salon of 1846
Two Cities
Visions and Ecstasies

Illustrated Letters

The Illustrated Letters of Jane Austen
The Illustrated Provence Letters of Van Gogh