
Contemporary Challenges and Alternatives to International Criminal Justice    
European Arrest Warrant    
Improving the European Arrest Warrant    
Victim-Centred Criminal Justice    


Maastricht Law Series

Access to Personal Data in Public Land Registers    
Comparative Perspectives on Law and Language    
Convention Constitutionalism    
Criminal Behavior and Accountability of Artificial Intelligence Systems    
Cross-border Access to Electronic Evidence    
Does the Law of Succession Reflect Cultural Differences?    
Effective Cross-Border Pension Information in the Face of Multi-Level Legal Systems    
European Arrest Warrant    
European Integration    
Facilitating Cross-Border Real Estate Transactions in Europe    
Five Uneasy Pieces    
Foundations and Building Blocks of Law    
Het stopzetten van KEI-civiel nader bezien    
Improving the European Arrest Warrant    
Law, Science, Rationality    
Property Law Perspectives VI    
Property Law Perspectives VII    
Property Law Perspectives VIII    
Re- De- Co-dification?    
Remedies for Human Rights Violations by the European Union    
Sustainability and Private Law    
Sustainable Property Law    
Teaching Comparative Law: Experiences and Reflections    
The “Private” in Private International Law    
The Art of Moving Borders
The Art of Moving Borders    
The End of Justice(s)?    
The European Arrest Warrant and In Absentia Judgements    
The Impact of Europeanization in Cyprus Contract Law and the Spill-Over to Matters of Civil Procedure    
The Position of Dutch Works Councils in Multinational Corporations    
The Recognition and Enforcement of Punitive Damages Judgments Across the Globe    
Van Legal Realism naar Legal Big Data    

RIDP - Revue Internationale de Droit Pénal

Artificial Intelligence and Administration of Criminal Justice    
Artificial Intelligence, Big Data and Automated Decision-Making in Criminal Justice    
Contemporary Challenges and Alternatives to International Criminal Justice    
Criminal Justice and Corporate Business | Vol.91 issue 2, 2020    
Criminalisation of AI-related offences    
EU Criminal Policy: Advances and Challenges    
Military Justice. Contemporary Challenges, History and Comparison    
Researching the boundaries of sexual integrity, gender violence and image-based abuse    
The Criminal Law Protection of our Common Home | Vol.91 issue 1, 2020    
Traditional Criminal Law Categories and AI: Crisis or Palingenesis?    

RIDP libri

A Century of Criminal Justice, Human Rights and Humanity across Borders    
Alternativas al sistema de justicia criminal Latinoamericano    
Criminal Justice in the Prism of Human Rights    
Resoluciones de los Congresos de la Asociación Internacional de Derecho Penal (1926 –2019)    
Résolutions des Congrès de l’Association Internationale de Droit Pénal (1926 –2019)    
Resolutions of the Congresses of theInternational Association of Penal Law (1926 –2019)    
Victim-Centred Criminal Justice