Artisans, Objects and Everyday Life in Renaissance Italy
Contamination and Purity in Early Modern Art and Architecture
Creating distinctions in Dutch genre painting
Divine and Demonic Imagery at Tor de'Specchi, 1400-1500
Early Modern Spaces in Motion
Figuring Faith and Female Power in the Art of Rubens
Flagellant Confraternities and Italian Art, 1260-1610
Gender, Space and Experience at the Renaissance Court
Green Worlds in Early Modern Italy
Ornament and Monstrosity in Early Modern Art
Picturing Commerce in and from the East Asian Maritime Circuits, 1550-1800
Redefining Eclecticism in Early Modern Bolognese Painting
Reframing Seventeenth-Century Bolognese Art
Religious Materiality in the Early Modern World
Representing from Life in Seventeenth-century Italy
Sartorial Politics in Early Modern Europe
Satire, Veneration, and St. Joseph in Art, c. 1300-1550
Sense Knowledge and the Challenge of Italian Renaissance Art
Somaesthetic Experience and the Viewer in Medicean Florence
Still-Life as Portrait in Early Modern Italy
The Life and Work of Rosalba Carriera (1673-1757)
The Pictorial Art of El Greco
Women Artists and Patrons in the Netherlands, 1500-1700
Women, Art and Observant Franciscan Piety