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Elementary Regression Modeling: A Discrete Approach




Elementary Regression Modeling: A Discrete Approach
Elementary Regression Modeling: A Discrete Approach

NUR Codes (sub)

730 Filosofie algemeen

Kaas en de evolutietheorie    
De andere drie-en-twintig uur    
Gij zult zijn als goden    
Paden in Utopia    
Oefening in Christendom    
Oerdistantie en relatie    
Wachten op God    
Socrates, Boeddha, Confucius, Jezus    
Het goede leven    
Goed samen leven    
De ouderdom    
De moed om te zijn    
Moeder aarde, vader hemel
Filosofische praktijk    
Tibetaanse wijsheden    
Westfriese wijsheden    
Geweten onder schot    
Ethiek en economie    
De Duitse ideologie
Dialectiek van de secularisering    
Waarom denken treurig maakt    
Meesters en discipelen    
Het Communistisch Manifest    
Oude wijsheid, modern inzicht    
Leven in wijsheid    
Over het voorgeboortelijke leven    
Ouderdom, een vruchtbaar perspectief    
Ethiek in organisaties    
Het goede leven    
Wisdom of Amsterdam
Het boek Job in vorm    
Stilte als antwoord    
De parel van het Soefisme    
Hoofd van mijn dromen    
Klank als religieuze presentie    
501 dingen die u moet weten over filosofie    
A survey of Buddhist thought
Tao Te Ching    
Dus ik ben weer    
En mijn tafelheer is Plato    
Over de democratie in Amerika    
Een ruimte voor de ziel    
Psychotherapie en non-dualiteit    


PSYCHOLOGY / Statistics

Discovering Statistics Using R
An Introduction to MATLAB for Behavioral Researchers
Regression & Linear Modeling: Best Practices and Modern Methods
Interpreting and Using Statistics in Psychological Research
Statistics for Research in Psychology: A Modern Approach Using Estimation
Applied Multivariate Research: Design and Interpretation
Statistics for the Behavioral Sciences
Moving from IBM® SPSS® to R and RStudio®
A Conceptual Guide to Statistics Using SPSS
Q Methodology
Essential Statistics for the Behavioral Sciences
Principles & Methods of Statistical Analysis
Straightforward Statistics
The Process of Statistical Analysis in Psychology
A Crash Course in Statistics
Essential Statistical Analysis In Focus: Alternate Guides for R, SAS, and Stata for Essential Statistics for the Behavioral Sciences
Quick Guide to IBM® SPSS®
The Process of Research and Statistical Analysis in Psychology
Research Methods and Statistics: An Integrated Approach
Elementary Regression Modeling: A Discrete Approach
Elementary Regression Modeling: A Discrete Approach
Book 9781526419514
Statistical Inference and Probability
Exploratory and Descriptive Statistics
Archival and Secondary Data
Statistical Approaches to Causal Analysis
Howard T. Tokunaga
Statistical Significance
See Numbers in Data
Doing Data Science in R
Select a Sample
Statistical Analysis In Focus: Alternate Guides for R, SAS, and Stata for Statistics for the Behavioral Sciences
Student Study Guide With IBM® SPSS® Workbook for Statistics for the Behavioral Sciences
Using IBM® SPSS® Statistics: An Interactive Hands-On Approach
Essential Statistics for the Behavioral Sciences
Straightforward Statistics with Excel®
Statistics for Psychology
Latent Variable Models
Statistics for the Behavioral Sciences
Discovering Statistics Using IBM SPSS Statistics
Hoe racisme ons ziek maakt

SCIENCE / Research & Methodology

Academic Skills for Interdisciplinary Studies    
Praktijkgericht kwantitatief onderzoek    
Vragenlijst Gezinskenmerken (VGK) - handleiding    
Inleiding SPSS 24    
Op zoek naar de waarheid    
Research methodology    
Data Protection Dictionary    
In de greep van Siberische lemmingen    
Margriet weet zich geen raad met onderzoek.
Vragenlijst Gezinskenmerken scoreformulieren
Reset de gemeentelijke ICT    
Sporen liegen niet    
Kan dat geen toeval zijn?    
Fact or Fluke?    
An Introduction to Interdisciplinary Research    
Sporen liegen niet    
Regression & Linear Modeling: Best Practices and Modern Methods
Elementary Regression Modeling: A Discrete Approach
Elementary Regression Modeling: A Discrete Approach
Hoe makkelijk kun je het maken?    
Third Millennium Thinking


Advising on research methods    
Logistische regressie    
Uni- en bivariate analyse    
Jonge mannen als Klokkenluiders    
Het bestverkochte boek ooit (met deze titel)    
Big data    
Liegen met cijfers    
Gelaagd land
Applied Statistics I: Basic Bivariate Techniques
Applied Statistics II: Multivariable and Multivariate Techniques
Exploratory Factor Analysis
An Adventure in Statistics
Van aardbeving tot zoönose    
An Adventure in Statistics
Basic Computational Techniques for Data Analysis
Association Models
Do the Math!: On Growth, Greed, and Strategic Thinking
Discovering Statistics Using R
An Introduction to Secondary Data Analysis with IBM SPSS Statistics
An Introduction to Exponential Random Graph Modeling
Heteroskedasticity in Regression: Detection and Correction
Best Practices in Logistic Regression
Using Basic Statistics in the Behavioral and Social Sciences
Randomized Response and Related Methods: Surveying Sensitive Data
The SAGE Dictionary of Statistics & Methodology: A Nontechnical Guide for the Social Sciences
Applied Multivariate Research: Design and Interpretation
Intermediate Statistics Using SPSS
Social Research Methods
Moving from IBM® SPSS® to R and RStudio®
Experimental Design: Procedures for the Behavioral Sciences
Practical Statistics: A Quick and Easy Guide to IBM® SPSS® Statistics, STATA, and Other Statistical Software
Answering Questions With Statistics
Cross-Cultural Analysis: The Science and Art of Comparing the World's Modern Societies and Their Cultures
Q Methodology
Introduction to Structural Equation Modeling Using IBM SPSS Statistics and EQS
Statistics with R
Applied Ordinal Logistic Regression Using Stata: From Single-Level to Multilevel Modeling
How to Use SPSS Syntax: An Overview of Common Commands
A Survivor's Guide to R: An Introduction for the Uninitiated and the Unnerved
Principles & Methods of Statistical Analysis
Straightforward Statistics
A Crash Course in Statistics
Spatial Regression Models
Making Sense of Statistical Methods in Social Research
Starting Statistics: A Short, Clear Guide
Data Analysis for the Social Sciences
Data Analysis for the Social Sciences: Integrating Theory and Practice


SAGE Publications, Inc

Cross-Cultural Management: Essential Concepts
Decoding the Ethics Code
Multiple Regression
The Sociology of Organizations
Rational Choice in an Uncertain World
Behavior and Classroom Management in the Multicultural Classroom
International Organizations in World Politics
Comm in Everyday Life 4e 4E
Exploratory Factor Analysis
Teaching Digital Natives
Little Bites of Big Data for Public Policy
Fixed Effects Regression Models
Child and Adolescent Development
Doing Research with Children and Young People
Phenomenological Research Methods
Human Resource Information Systems - International Student Edition
Creative Approaches to Problem Solving
Criminal & Behavioral Profiling
Focus Groups
Research Methods in Practice
Working in Teams
Psychology of Adjustment
The Presentation of Self in Contemporary Social Life
Social Network Analysis
Leading Organizations
Counseling Children and Adolescents
Empirical Research and Writing
Substance Use Disorders and Addictions
Statistics for People Who (Think They) Hate Statistics
"These Kids Are Out of Control"
Economic Evaluation in Education
What If Everybody Understood Child Development?
Hard Conversations Unpacked
The Differentiated Flipped Classroom
Chemical Dependency Counseling
The Rhetorical Power of Popular Culture
Introductory Statistics Using SPSS
Mentoring in Action: Guiding, Sharing, and Reflecting With Novice Teachers
Don't Suspend Me!
Understanding and Evaluating Research
Tests & Measurement for People Who (Think They) Hate Tests & Measurement
The Ramped-Up Read Aloud
Meyer, J: Commitment in the Workplace
Transforming Qualitative Information
Negotiating and Influencing Skills
