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Achieving your Diploma in Education and Training




Achieving your Diploma in Education and Training
The South Asia Story: The First Sixty Years of US Relations with India and Pakistan

NUR Codes (sub)

740 Mens en maatschappij algemeen

Jeugdcriminaliteit in groepsverband ontrafeld    
Grondslagen SPH    
Kinderen die haten    
De gezonde samenleving    
Dromen, sprookjes, mythen    
Gij zult zijn als goden    
De ouderdom    
De tweede sekse    
Geloven binnen en buiten verband    
Disentangling an invisible trade    
Governance of innovation project management
Human dignity    
Ethiek en economie    
Erven en Schenken
Dokter is ziek    
De cultuur van angst    
Van Ver    
Het Communistisch Manifest    
Begeleiden van groepen    
Anders kijken    
Verbinding verbroken    
Regine regulations in Europe    
Leren uit de ontmoeting    
Kleine verhalen    
Het wilde denken
Ambtenaar op expeditie !    
De versplinterde samenleving    
Politiek cynisme    
Praktijkgerichte Sociale Vaardigheden    
Moord en doodslag
Depressie is geen ziekte    
Dynamism in Islamic Activism    
Nut en noodzaak van de mondiale voetafdruk
Basisprincipes praktijkonderzoek    
Vernederd, verkracht, verborgen
Seizoenen van de tijdgeest    
De gave van ADHD    
No time    
De shockdoctrine    
Hoe ongelijk is Nederland?
Welvaart in Nederland | 2014    
Adam en Eva in China    
Veroordeeld tot verbondenheid    
Leven met gemis    
Moeders van Afrika    
Melkert misleidde Beatrix    


EDUCATION / Adult & Continuing Education

Zelfregie terug in het werk    
Slimmer dan je ouders    
Nieuwe Start! Werken in de Zorg | A2    
Liefdevol opvoeden, een kunst    
Voortijdig schoolverlaten voorkomen    
De Trainingsachtbaan    
Kijk als een kunstenaar    
Wat gaan we eten?    
In 10 stappen een heldere levensmissie    
50 Teaching and Learning Approaches
The Apprentice's Guide to End Point Assessment
50 Quality Improvement and Quality Assurance Approaches
Coaching and Mentoring
Learning Theory and Classroom Practice in the Lifelong Learning Sector
Passing Assessments for the Certificate in Education and Training
Principles and Practices of Teaching and Training
The Protection of Geographical Indications in India: A New Perspective on the French and European Experience
Passing PTLLS Assessments
Teaching, Tutoring and Training in the Lifelong Learning Sector
Inclusive Practice in the Lifelong Learning Sector
What is Teaching in the Lifelong Learning Sector?
Study Skills for PTLLS
Curriculum Studies in the Lifelong Learning Sector
Social Emotional Well-Being for Educators
Teaching Higher Education Courses in Further Education Colleges
Teaching and Training Vocational Learners
Teaching and Learning in Higher Education
Achieving your Diploma in Education and Training
Achieving QTLS status
Constitution of India, Professional Ethics and Human Rights
Sports Law in India
Child Sexual Abuse and Protection Laws in India
Handbook of Adult and Continuing Education
Principles and Practices of Assessment
Delivering Employability Skills in the Lifelong Learning Sector
Successful Teaching Practice in the Lifelong Learning Sector
Planning and Enabling Learning in the Lifelong Learning Sector
Teaching in Higher Education
Reflective Practice in Education and Training
Learning, Teaching and Development: Strategies for Action
Achieving Your Award in Education and Training: A Practical Guide to Successful Teaching in the Further Education and Skills Sector
Reflective Practice for Renewing Schools: An Action Guide for Educators
Just Teach! in FE
Academic Practice
The Protection of Geographical Indications in India
Teaching and Learning in Higher Education: Disciplinary Approaches to Educational Enquiry
Just Teach! in FE: A people-centered approach

EDUCATION / Training & Certification

Het gaat steeds beter    
Activerende didactiek    
Basis Kwalificatie Examinering in het hoger beroepsonderwijs    
Haal het beste uit jezelf! | Deel 2 organiseren, zelfmanagement en profileren    
Lesson Study    
Focus op Dalton    
Projectonderwijs in het hbo    
Coachen op de rollen van de leraar    
Aan de slag!    
Eerste hulp bij didactische ongelukken    
Onderwijskundig ontwerpen    
De Trainingsachtbaan    
Klasmanagement en reflectie
Leraren opleiden in een superdiverse samenleving    
Opeens weet je het … je wordt leraar!    
The Power of Explicit Teaching and Direct Instruction
Every Teacher a Leader
Passing the Numeracy Skills Test
Teaching Creative and Critical Thinking in Schools
Better Behaviour
Critical Thinking Skills for Education Students
Passing Assessments for the Award in Education and Training
The Trainee Teacher's Handbook
Academic Practice
Achieving QTLS status
How to Coach: First Steps and Beyond
Succeeding on your School Experience Placement
"Miss, I don't give a sh*t"
Being a Teacher
Coachen op de zes rollen van de leraar    
Fundamental English and Mathematics Skills for Trainee Teachers
Professionalism in Primary Teaching
De zes rollen van de leraar in de praktijk    
Ons mbo het werboek    
Ons mbo de verhalenbundel    
The Poverty Problem
Fundamental English and Mathematics Skills for Trainee Teachers
Evidence Based Teaching in Secondary Schools
Professionalism in Primary Teaching
Mindful Teacher, Mindful School
Achieving your Diploma in Education and Training
The Truth about Teaching
Teaching Creative and Critical Thinking in Schools
Primary English for Trainee Teachers
Engaging, Motivating and Empowering Learners in Schools
NQT: The beginning teacher's guide to outstanding practice
Children Reading for Pleasure in the Digital Age
Wider Professional Practice in Education and Training
Learning to be a Teacher
Understanding British Values in Primary Schools


SAGE Publications Ltd

Strategic Corporate Social Responsibility
Statistical Methods for the Social and Behavioural Sciences
Cultural Studies
Managing and Organizations
The Established and the Outsiders
Learning Theories Simplified
Doing Digital Methods
Participatory Research
Qualitative Organizational Research
Corporate Governance
Learning and Teaching in Higher Education
Developing Gestalt Counselling
The Learning Mentor's Resource Book
Research Methods in Psychology
Qualitative Research and Theory Development
Six Key Approaches to Counselling and Therapy
Solution-Focused Therapy
Tales from the Therapy Room
Health Promotion Settings
CBT with Children, Young People and Families
Doing Your Qualitative Psychology Project
Doing a Research Project in Nursing and Midwifery
Person-Centred Therapy with Children and Young People
Affect and Emotion
Health and Well-Being Across the Life Course
Normal Midwifery Practice
Preparing to Teach in the Lifelong Learning Sector
Existential Therapies
Research Ethics and Integrity for Social Scientists
Gestalt Counselling in a Nutshell
Making the Most of Counselling & Psychotherapy Placements
A Practical Guide to Using Panel Data
An Introduction to the Philosophy of Management
Developing Emotional Literacy with Teenagers
Reflective Practice and Professional Development
Key Concepts in Substance Misuse
The Science of Evaluation
Sociology for Health Professionals
Learning and Teaching Mathematics 0-8
Sports Journalism
Human Resource Development
An Introduction to the Therapeutic Relationship in Counselling and Psychotherapy
Reflection in CBT
Confidentiality & Record Keeping in Counselling & Psychotherapy
Skills in Cognitive Behaviour Therapy
Primary Mathematics Audit and Test
Primary Science Audit and Test
The Early Years Foundation Stage
Introduction to Education Studies
Consumer Behaviour
